Monthly Archives: February 2018

PowerCLI Script – VMware Storage vMotion Automation

I recently got a task to migrate more than 100 VMware virtual machine from one sets of datastores to another. In order to automate this process, I draft a simple PowerShell script to perform below tasks:

  1. Utilize CSV file as the input; and
  2. The maximum running parallel storage vMotion sessions can be controlled by input option, this is to avoid storage overhead and minimize the impact on the other running applications.

The script is as below:

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NetApp SolidFire mNode and ActiveIQ Monitoring


This post is to outline the key steps to configure mNode and how to connect SolidFire storage to ActiveIQ site. This post is not intended to cover all the details in the NetApp SolidFire deploy guide, user guide documents or other NetApp official documents.

What is SolidFire mNode?

The NetApp SolidFire management node (mNode) is a virtual machine deployed in customer environment to provide below functions:

  • SolidFire Element OS software upgrades;
  • Remote alerting and historical data collection through Active IQ;
  • Remote support tunneling for NetApp Support hands-on access; and
  • Ancillary functions for NetApp SolidFire Plug-in for VMware® vCenter™ functionality and syslog aggregation.


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