This is short post to list a few commonly used SimpliVity command lines in daily operation.
How to run SimpliVity Commands
HPE SimpliVity OmniStack restricts CLI access to the following users:
- The users with vCenter Administrator Role; and
- The Built-in HPE OmniStack CLI User: svtcli. And the password for user svtcli is
assigned at the deployment stage as below:
There are two ways to run the SimpliVity CLI tool:
- SSH to one of the OVC node in SimpliVity federation with below user with vCenter Administrator Role. For example: administrator@vsphere.local.
- Login OVC node from vCenter VM console with below built-in user: svtcli. After login, run command “svt-session-start” to establish a session.
Create a Backup Policy
Below commands creates a backup policy with name “TestRule01” with two rules. The first backup the VM to cluster Sydney and retained for 180 days, and the second rule backup the VM to cluster Melbourne and retained for 180 days. Each rule have specified the start time and end time of the backup.
svt-policy-create --name TestRule01 svt-policy-rule-create --policy TestRule01 --cluster Sydney --frequency 24H --start_time 01:00 --end_time 07:00 --days all --retention 180D svt-policy-rule-create --policy TestRule01 --cluster Melbourne --frequency 24H --start_time 13:00 --end_time 19:00 --days all --retention 180D
Create a Datastore
Below command create a datastore and associate an existing backup policy to it.
svt-datastore-create --name datastore01 --policy TestRule01 --size 4TB --cluster Sydney --type NFS
Show Federation detail
Show datastore configuration detail:
Show backup policy configuration detail:
Show all the VM backups
Show Hardware Status
Show Virtual Machine with backup policy and HA status
Show and configure SimpliVity data center timezone
svt-timezones-show svt-timezones-list svt-timezone-set --timezone America/New_York --datacenter 'RemoteDC'