This is short post to document the command lines used to create a NetApp SVM and enable CIFS/NFS protocols.
In this example, a new SVM svmshare001 will be created with a LIF interface in VLAN 100, in addition, the CIFS and NFS protocols will be enabled with a root share and a data share (engineering).
# Create a new SVM in an existing aggregate vserver create -vserver svmshare001 -rootvolume svmshare001_root -aggregate storagectla_SSD_1 -language C.UTF-8 -rootvolume-security ntfs -snapshot-policy default #Remove the un-used protocols vserver show-protocols -vserver svmshare001 vserver remove-protocols -vserver svmshare001 -protocols fcp,iscsi,ndmp #Create the network interfaces in NetApp storage in VLAN 100 network interface create -vserver svmshare001 -lif svmshare001_cifs_nfs_lif1 -role data -data-protocol nfs,cifs -home-node storagectla -home-port a0c-100 -firewall-policy mgmt-nfs -address -netmask #Create the default gateway for the network interface created in the last step network route create -vserver svmshare001-destination -gateway network interface show -vserver svmshare001 #Configure DNS vserver services dns show vserver services dns create -vserver svmshare001 -name-servers, -domains #Configure the CIFS protocol vserver cifs show vserver cifs create -vserver svmshare001 -cifs-server svmshare001 -domain #Configure the NFS protocal vserver nfs status -vserver svmshare001 vserver nfs create -vserver svmshare001 -v3 enabled -access true vserver nfs show -vserver svmshare001 #Configure the export policy. (In this example, all the IP and user can access the CIFS and NFS SVM) vserver export-policy show vserver export-policy rule show vserver export-policy rule create -vserver svmshare001 -policyname default -clientmatch -protocol cifs,nfs -rorule any -rwrule any -superuser any -anon 65534 -ruleindex 1 vserver export-policy rule show -policyname default -instance #Create CIFS Root Share vserver cifs share show vserver cifs share create -vserver svmshare001 -share-name nsroot -path / #Create volume engineering with junction path volume create -vserver svmshare001 -volume engineering -aggregate storagectla_SSD_1 -size 10GB -percent-snapshot-space 5 -space-guarantee none -tiering-policy none -policy default -junction-path /engineering -autosize-mode grow_shrink -max-autosize 200GB volume show -vserver svmshare001 -volume engineering -instance volume show-footprint -volume engineering #Create the data share (engineering share in this example) vserver cifs share create -vserver svmshare001 -share-name engineering -path /engineering
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