Author Archives: Vincent Ran

Veeam Immutable Backup with HPE StoreOnce Catalyst Store

Veeam V12 has extended the immutable backup feature to integrate with HPE StoreOnce Catalyst Store. By utilizing the new feature StoreOnce introduced “Independent Software Vendor Controlled Data Immutability (ISV-DI)”, Veeam can create immutable backup copies based on give retention or GFS retention.

This is a post to highlight the key points for Veeam and StoreOnce Catalyst Store integration regarding immutable backup.

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What We Are Talking About When We Talk About Immutable Backup

Immutable backup has become a trending topic in data backup world. Everyone talks about immutability, vendors keep developing new features to support immutability and immutable backup has become a must-have in backup solution today. When we talk about immutable backup, what are we talking about?

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100,000 Yay!

I found my little site has reached a minor milestone, 100,000 views, over years! Yay!

Inspired by Dan’s famous blog PENGUINPUNK (, I started to write technology blog years ago. Thanks Dan!  Since then, the intention of writing articles didn’t change – purely for sharing. Thanks for the internet, except reading and training, a large part of my IT knowledge and skills are built on IT professionals’ experience around the world. Starting to share my experience is the way to join the sharing team. I am proud to do so and believe someone could benefit from my sharing as I did from others’.

As a LAZY writer, I will continue to write. This is a minor achievement, but every step counts!

I am ready to cheer for 200,000 views soon!

A little bit about Gigabyte (GB) and Gibibyte (GiB) in computer storage

I am going to write a little bit about this basic concept in storage: Gigabyte (GB) and Gibibyte (GiB). This is all because of the annoyance between standard and reality.

I can still remember 15 years ago, when I first got in touch with enterprise storage system, the first concept introduced is about the differences between physical disk labelled size and reported size in storage system. No need to calculate, even today, I can still clearly remember a 73GB SAS disk will report 66GB usable capacity in EMC CLARiiON, a large part of this difference is contributed by the difference between GB and GiB.

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PowerShell Script – Veeam – Download Monthly Backup from SBOR Capacity Tier for selected VM

In Veeam backup management, it is supported to offload the GFS backup copy from performance tier repository to capacity tier repository. Normally the capaticyt tier will be configured on object storage (Azure Blob, AWS S3 and etc.) to reduce the storage cost.

However, when retrieve(download) the backup from capacity tier repository, there is only one option to download the backup for entire backup job which mighy includes multiple virtual machines. This short powershell script is crafted to download the monthly GFS bakcup for selected VM.

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