When using Nutanix Foundation to deploy the cluster on Nutanix nodes, the Foundation process might be failed at 2% with below error:
StandardError: Failed to get BMC session after 3 attempts
20190306 11:07:45 CRITICAL Foundation failed to detect node type at
The root cause is the Nutanix node BMC could not be contacted by Foundation process. The below steps can be used to troubleshoot the issue:
- Foundation VM cannot reach Nutanix node port UDP 623.
- Try to check any firewall setting;
- Check the Nutanix node IPMI in Configuration > Ports section and make sure port 623 is enabled; and
- On Foundation VM, the command used to test the port connection is: nc -v <IPMI IP> 623.
- Foundation VM can not ping IPMI IP.
- Check network connectivity between Nutanix Foundation VM and IPMI IP using ping.
- IPMI credentials.
- If the IPMI credential has been modified, the correct IPMI credential is needed to be put in.
- If all the above is working correctly, please try resetting the BMC.
- Connect to IPMI web console > Maintenance > Unit Reset > Reset. This will reset only the BMC/IPMI and not the entire node.
- If all the above can not resolve the issue, please try restoring the factory setting.
- Connect to IPMI web console > Maintenance > Factory Restore > Restore. This will restore IPMI setting.
- It is noted that, the IPMI network setting might be restored. Therefore, make sure you can get someone onsite to reconfigure the IPMI IP address if required.
how to ping the CVM IP and HOST IP if it”s not yet setup?
I can ping BMC from Foundation VM, I’m using version 4.3 and 4.4.
Still same error message
Foundation VM can not ping IPMI IP.
Check network connectivity between Nutanix Foundation VM and IPMI IP, CVM IP and Host IP using ping.
Hi Carlo,
Thanks for picking it up, I will update the post. This failure is happened before the ESXi and CVM installed. Only the IPMI should be pingable.
If you can ping BMC from Foundation VM, the means the network connection looks good.
But you still to verify each of the steps I listed including UDP 623 allowed, and the credential.
If all these checks are good. You can try to reset and further restoring the factory setting of IPMI/BMC. In my case, restoring the factory setting resolved the issue.
Good luck.