Category Archives: Tools

PowerShell Script – Veeam – Download Monthly Backup from SBOR Capacity Tier for selected VM

In Veeam backup management, it is supported to offload the GFS backup copy from performance tier repository to capacity tier repository. Normally the capaticyt tier will be configured on object storage (Azure Blob, AWS S3 and etc.) to reduce the storage cost.

However, when retrieve(download) the backup from capacity tier repository, there is only one option to download the backup for entire backup job which mighy includes multiple virtual machines. This short powershell script is crafted to download the monthly GFS bakcup for selected VM.

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PowerCLI Script – VMware Storage vMotion Automation

I recently got a task to migrate more than 100 VMware virtual machine from one sets of datastores to another. In order to automate this process, I draft a simple PowerShell script to perform below tasks:

  1. Utilize CSV file as the input; and
  2. The maximum running parallel storage vMotion sessions can be controlled by input option, this is to avoid storage overhead and minimize the impact on the other running applications.

The script is as below:

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