Tag Archives: vCenter

VMware vCenter Enhanced Linked Mode with Cisco HyperFlex

When configuring HyperFlex cluster, each HyperFlex cluster is required to register to a VMware vCenter server. For customer with multiple HyperFlex clusters and vCenter servers, VMware enhanced linked mode could be considered to reduce the management effort.

This post is to high light a few points when configuring Cisco HyperFlex with VMware vCenter enhanced linked mode.


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RecoverPoint for Virtual Machine – vCenter Re-Registration

RecoverPoint for virtual machines (RP4VM) is one of the DELL EMC data protection solutions to provide the VM level protection locally or remotely.

Comparing with the hardware RecoverPoint Appliance, RP4VM utilized virtual RecoverPoint Appliance and provide VM level protection with the data splitters installed on each of the ESXi servers.

RP4VM relies the vCenter to function properly. This post is to provide a quick guide about how to check and update the vCenter registration information in RP4VM.

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