Monthly Archives: January 2019

DELL EMC Networker Saveset Clone by SSID

When operating DELL EMC Networker environment, in some scenarios, it is required to clone a few selected saveset to target devices. In general, there are two ways to perform this:

  1. Create a clone group with some filters, this is normally for scheduled clone; and
  2. Use nsrclone command line.

This post provides an example to perform the Networker saveset clone by SSID through commands.

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HP SimpliVity Study Notes (Part 2)

This post is my personal technical note HP SimpliVity Hyperconverged Solution drafted during my personal knowledge update.  This post is not intended to cover all the part of the solution and some note is based on my own understanding of the solution. My intention to draft this note is to outline the key solution elements for quick readers.


The note is the second part of the whole note. The first post is per the below link:

HP SimpliVity Study Notes (Part 1)

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HP SimpliVity Study Notes (Part 1)

This post is my personal technical note HP SimpliVity Hyperconverged Solution drafted during my personal knowledge update.  This post is not intended to cover all the part of the solution and some note is based on my own understanding of the solution. My intention to draft this note is to outline the key solution elements for quick readers.


The note is based on SimpliVity 380 Gen10 Server OmniStack Release version 3.7.5. Some figures in this post are referenced from HP public documents.

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DELL EMC Networker Common Error Trouble Shooting (01)

This post is to provide the general trouble shooting steps for one DELL EMC Networker Common Error, the Error Message is:

No matching devices; check storage nodes, devices or pools

This error message usually appears in both Networker client and server daemon.raw logs. The good side to see this error is the client can communicate with server.

The error is related with the backup client could not find a matching backup device to write the backup data. Let’s use an example as below to explain the trouble shooting steps:

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Cisco HyperFlex Study Notes (Part 2)

This post is my personal technical note for Cisco HyperFlex Hyperconverged Solution drafted during my personal learning.  This post is not intended to cover all the part of the solution and some note is based on my own understanding of the solution. My intention to draft this note is to outline the key solution elements for quick readers.


The note is the second part of the whole note. The first post is per the below link:

Cisco HyperFlex Study Notes (Part 1)

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Cisco HyperFlex Study Notes (Part 1)

This post is my personal technical note for Cisco HyperFlex Hyperconverged Solution drafted during my personal learning.  This post is not intended to cover all the part of the solution and some note is based on my own understanding of the solution. My intention to draft this note is to outline the key solution elements for quick readers.


The note is based on Cisco HX Data Platform Release version 3.5. Some figures in this post are referenced from Cisco public documents.

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