Category Archives: Technology

Change Service Profile Template from initial to updating in Cisco UCS

In Cisco UCS system, one of the important configuration is service profile template type, choosing from “initial template” or “updating template”. Updating service profile template provide the ability to update the binded service profile when template itself is updated.

In some user cases, the service profile template is created as an “initial template” initially. But the user want to change it from “initial” to “updating” at a later stage. Unfortunately, there is no direct conversion option in UCS, this post is to provide an alternative way to achieve this.

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VMware vRealize Suite Overview

This is a simple post to introduce the VMware vRealize Suite for the first time user as a quick overview. This is a short version of product Overview and the figures in this post are from VMware public documents. The full documents are under below link:


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Nutanix Foundation – “Failed to detect node type”

When using Nutanix Foundation to deploy the cluster on Nutanix nodes, the Foundation process might be failed at 2% with below error:

StandardError: Failed to get BMC session after 3 attempts
20190306 11:07:45 CRITICAL Foundation failed to detect node type at


The root cause is the Nutanix node BMC could not be contacted by Foundation process. The below steps can be used to troubleshoot the issue:

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RecoverPoint for Virtual Machine – vCenter Re-Registration

RecoverPoint for virtual machines (RP4VM) is one of the DELL EMC data protection solutions to provide the VM level protection locally or remotely.

Comparing with the hardware RecoverPoint Appliance, RP4VM utilized virtual RecoverPoint Appliance and provide VM level protection with the data splitters installed on each of the ESXi servers.

RP4VM relies the vCenter to function properly. This post is to provide a quick guide about how to check and update the vCenter registration information in RP4VM.

RP4VMVC01 Continue reading

DELL EMC Networker Saveset Clone by SSID

When operating DELL EMC Networker environment, in some scenarios, it is required to clone a few selected saveset to target devices. In general, there are two ways to perform this:

  1. Create a clone group with some filters, this is normally for scheduled clone; and
  2. Use nsrclone command line.

This post provides an example to perform the Networker saveset clone by SSID through commands.

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DELL EMC Networker Common Error Trouble Shooting (01)

This post is to provide the general trouble shooting steps for one DELL EMC Networker Common Error, the Error Message is:

No matching devices; check storage nodes, devices or pools

This error message usually appears in both Networker client and server daemon.raw logs. The good side to see this error is the client can communicate with server.

The error is related with the backup client could not find a matching backup device to write the backup data. Let’s use an example as below to explain the trouble shooting steps:

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MSSQL Database Mirroring Configuration

There are several ways to perform MSSQL database replication, including log shipping, database mirroring and AlwaysOn Availability Groups. It is highly recommended to adopt AlwaysOn Availability Groups whenever it is possible, however, sometime we still need to use database mirroring due to the environment limitation.

This post is to outline the steps to configure the MSSQL database mirroring. The example topology is as below:

Database Mirroring

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