Tag Archives: Networker

DELL EMC Networker Saveset Clone by SSID

When operating DELL EMC Networker environment, in some scenarios, it is required to clone a few selected saveset to target devices. In general, there are two ways to perform this:

  1. Create a clone group with some filters, this is normally for scheduled clone; and
  2. Use nsrclone command line.

This post provides an example to perform the Networker saveset clone by SSID through commands.

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DELL EMC Networker Common Error Trouble Shooting (01)

This post is to provide the general trouble shooting steps for one DELL EMC Networker Common Error, the Error Message is:

No matching devices; check storage nodes, devices or pools

This error message usually appears in both Networker client and server daemon.raw logs. The good side to see this error is the client can communicate with server.

The error is related with the backup client could not find a matching backup device to write the backup data. Let’s use an example as below to explain the trouble shooting steps:

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DELL EMC Networker Exchange Directed Restore through Command Line

It is known that DELL EMC Networker performs Exchange database (DAG or Standalone)  restoration through Networker Module for Microsoft (NMM) GUI on the client itself.

However, in some scenarios, directed database restoration is required with urgency. For example, the exchange server is crashed and it is required to restore the database and logs files to another standalone or DAG server.

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Backing Up a 10TB SQL Server

I am recently working on an environment need to back up a 10TB SQL server by Networker and Data Domain. By utilizing DDBoost ans saveset “MSSQL:”, the backup job could be done in 13 hours for the daily full backup. This is not the worst result to backup a SQL server in 10TB,  but we still can optimize it with some settings in Networker.

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A Simple Example of EMC Networker Customized Backup Command

Recently I got a task to run a command or script to delete files in a given folder after a success backup. In general, there are two major ways, one way is to use PowerShell script and include Networker backup command, and the other way is to use EMC Networker customized backup command. I chose to use the second way because it is more closely integrated with Networker and easier to manage and monitor.

I follow the steps as below:

  • Step 1: In the client host, create a file save001.bat under c:\Program Files\EMC NetWorker\nsr\bin.
  • Step 2: Use txt editor to edit the Save001.bat with the script listed in the following post.
  • Step 3: Login to NMC, in the Backup Command attribute of the Client resource, type the name of the backup script, save001.bat in our case.

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EMC Networker SQL Flat File Recovery

From EMC Networker Module for Microsoft (NMM) version 9.1, EMC introduces the new feature “SQL Flat File Recovery”, no exciting, but really a helpful feature for the DBA and Backup admin.

Before EMC Networker NMM version 9.1, the MS SQL database only can be recovered to the SQL database, either to the original database or a different database. Since SQL database and Networker are usually managed by different teams, restoring directly to the database increases the internal communication between different teams to get the task done correctly. By introducing “SQL Flat File Recovery”, Networker admin can recover the database flat file to the desired location and DBA can recover the flat file to SQL database after that at any time.

NMM 9.1 can be used with Networker server version 8.2.3 or later with some limitations stated in the administrator guide.

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